After School Program for Grades K-3rd
Stay Tuned For More Information Coming Soon!
Mondays: STEM Engineering (K-3rd)
- Register for Fall 2020 Semester
- Register for Winter 2020- Coming Soon
- Register for Spring 2021- Coming Soon
This class takes a hands-on approach to engineering, allowing students to directly engage with basic engineering concepts through a variety of fun and educational activities. Students will improve their problem solving, math, and physics skills – all while engaging in exciting building projects. Each trimester-long unit will focus on a specific area of engineering, like robots, circuits, and exciting machines. No previous experience is necessary, just a desire to learn and build. Each student will receive an award on the last day of the session, and have the opportunity to earn Energy Belts to demonstrate their learned skills!
Tuesdays: Believe and Achieve Sports Training Clinic (K-3rd)
- Register for Fall 2020 Semester
- Register for Winter 2020- Coming Soon
- Register for Spring 2021- Coming Soon
Believe and Achieve, run by Rabbi Meir Parry, is an innovative training program that gives your son the skills and confidence needed to improve at sports. So much of a boy’s social life revolves around his involvement in sports; boys with poor skills or low self-esteem may lack the confidence to play, which impacts them socially. Our program gives participants the confidence to play using drills which focus on sports skills while simultaneously showing them they have the power and ability to excel at sports – once they believe, they start to achieve! No matter your son’s level at sports, whether he is a beginner or advanced, he will benefit from the innovative drills and become even better at his favorite sports!
Wednesdays: Smart Start Art (K - 1st Grade only)
- Register for Fall 2020 Semester
- Register for Winter 2020- Coming Soon
- Register for Spring 2021- Coming Soon
“Every child is an artist”. Our art class (for K – 1st Grade only) encourages students to explore their artistic side! Through inspiring projects that foster creativity, the study of great artists (from classic to contemporary) and skill development through learning step-by-step drawing techniques, your child will take a journey into the world of art – a journey they’ll be eager to continue week after week. Each student will receive an award on the last day of the session and will have the opportunity to earn belts to demonstrate their learned skills!
Wednesdays: Beginners Music (2nd - 3rd Grade only)
- Register for Fall 2020 Semester
- Register for Winter 2020- Coming Soon
- Register for Spring 2021- Coming Soon
Violin- Conducted by the Baltimore Bows, this class will introduce 2nd-3rd grade students to the joys of playing the violin and performing. Skills in music reading, teamwork and leadership are emphasized. No previous musical experience is necessary! There will be a recital for parents at the conclusion of the class. A one time instrument fee may apply at the beginning of the course.
Thursdays: Chess Scholars (K-3rd)
- Register for Fall 2020 Semester
- Register for Winter 2020- Coming Soon
- Register for Spring 2021- Coming Soon
Chess Scholars is our fun-filled professional chess program for children. We work with students of all levels, including complete beginners. During each one-hour class, there is an interactive instructional period of 15-20 minutes, followed by guided practice. Students can also test for Chess Belts, patterned after martial arts belts. We normally run a tournament with prizes towards the end of the session. Our curriculum is well suited for the needs of young students. For example, we have a special point system designed to avoid discouraging young beginners.