High School

Total Chinuch for the Whole Bachur
The Mesivta of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim
Talmudical Academy of Baltimore
is a warm and supportive Makom Torah focused on developing Bnei Torah who will be properly prepared for their future. The Mesivta combines in-depth, dynamic shiurim and sedorim and our college-preparatory general studies program, with an emphasis on the development of the whole talmid. In learning, in Ruchnius, academically, socially, and emotionally - TA Mesivta gives every talmid the greatest opportunities for success. With exceptional Rebbeim and teachers to guide him through his 4-year Mesivta career, a TA Mesivta talmid will understand that growth in Torah and avodah is his primary task in life, while at the same time gaining the life-skills, knowledge, and discipline to graduate the Yeshiva with an array of options for his future.

Focus on Each Talmid
No two talmidim are the same, and the Mesivta focuses on the individual development of every talmid. Every grade has multiple shiurim and classes, and each talmid is placed in the shiur that best fits his level of learning, and will enhance his ability to succeed. In general studies, multiple tracks with varied emphases allow students to learn in a way that fits them and their future goals. The ability to offer a chinuch individualized to every talmid is a badge of honor that TA proudly displays.
Limudei Kodesh
The primary learning emphasis of the Mesivta is in Gemara, with a focus on both Iyun and Bekius. In Iyun, Rebbeim teach our talmidim how to work through a sugya, analyzing and examining the Gemara’s text and flow through Rishonim and Achronim. Through the shiurim, the Rebbeim help the talmidim gain confidence in their havana and understanding, forcing critical thinking and analysis, and giving talmidim the building blocks of how to learn. In Bekius, talmidim gain the valuable skills and gratification of making a leining, with the goal of finishing a mesechta by the end of the year. Mesivta talmidim will graduate high school with a full grasp and knowledge of the completion of four to six mesechtos, thereby, beginning their post Mesivta years in Bais Medrash with a feeling of accomplishment, and having confidence in their abilities as they take their learning to the next level.

In addition to Gemara, the Mesivta shiurim focus on Halacha, Chumash, Mussar, Hashkafa, and Machshava, which round out the learning curriculum, and give the talmidim a greater breadth of Torah knowledge. The Rebbeim expose the talmidim to the various meforshim in Chumash, and teach Halacha through the Mishna Berurah, Chaye Adom, Shoneh Halachos and many other Sifrei Halacha. Mussar, Hashkafa, and Machshava are taught and discussed in both the shiurim and through weekly shmuezin, giving the talmidim a proper outlook on life, helping shape their priorities, and enabling them to perfect their middos and character. Seniors are given the opportunity to amplify and broaden their learning abilities by participating and learning in second seder in the afternoon. In second seder, they are guided in their learning by skillful Rebbeim who give shiurim and are available as Shoel Umaishiv to the talmidim. The Mesivta’s night seder and evening learning programs are a critical component of the chinuch in the Mesivta. After the regular night seder, talmidim are given the opportunity to take part in our late night seder or nightly chaburas, where they can learn one on one with a rebbe, chavrusa style, or in a small group setting. This provides the talmidim with additional training and serves as a method of raising the levels of their learning skills.

TA’s Rebbeim are the heart and soul of the Mesivta experience, and we take great pride in their selfless care, concern and dedication to every single talmid. In addition to preparing, developing and delivering stimulating shiurim that will challenge and encourage the talmidim to grow and mature into Bnei Torah, what truly sets them apart is their accessibility to the talmidim in and out of Yeshiva, day and night.
Whether it is extra learning, advice, or just to shmooze, the Rebbeim are fully available to all of the talmidim. The relationships that TA talmidim build with their Rebbeim are proudly cherished, often lasting decades. Many TA talmidim continue to view their Rebbeim at TA as their main Rebbeim and mentors, often for a lifetime, despite the fact that they have attended other Yeshivos subsequent to their years at TA.
General Studies
The college-preparatory general studies program in the Mesivta is designed to prepare talmidim to succeed in college and the workplace. In both the core curriculum subjects, as well as electives, importance is placed on skill-building and general knowledge, with an emphasis on real-world applications. The curriculum is developed to seamlessly flow from year to year, and to create a challenging learning environment for students.
In addition to the core state high school standards, students are offered many additional learning opportunities to further challenge and prepare them. Some of these additional courses have included offerings such as AP courses, personal finance, college accredited courses for seniors, and ACT review courses for 11th and 12th graders.
Fluency with technology is critical for success in nearly all contemporary professional environments. Students in the Mesivta have been able to make use of 2 computer labs, our “maker-space,” room designed and dedicated to hands-on creativity for STEM courses; cybersecurity and programming courses, and can earn official Microsoft Certification in programs within the Microsoft Suite.
The Mesivta general studies program is designed to ensure that TA’s talmidim will be able to graduate fully prepared for the next stage of their education.

Modern and Spacious Facilities
To support a proper learning environment, a Yeshiva needs to provide its talmidim with the proper gashmiyus required to support the ruchniyus. TA Mesivta provides ample space to learn and grow, facility and classroom space that encourages excellence, large areas for recreation, extra-curricular activities, events, and more, and a food program that properly sustains growing young men. The new 40,000 sq. foot Rabbi Samuel and Zehava Friedman High School Building includes a magnificent Bais Medrash to fit 250 bachurim, a comprehensive Otzar Haseforim, large bright classrooms, science and computer labs, library and music room, full-size gymnasium, game room, and more. Three meals a day are served in our large cafeteria, featuring two commercial kitchens, a juice bar, and coffee station. These amenities, together with the beautiful Yeshiva grounds, baseball and turf fields, provide the optimal environment for our talmidim.
To support a proper learning environment, a Yeshiva needs to provide its talmidim with the proper gashmiyus required to support the ruchniyus. TA Mesivta provides ample space to learn and grow, facility and classroom space that encourages excellence, large areas for recreation, extra-curricular activities, events, and more, and a food program that properly sustains growing young men. The new 40,000 sq. foot Rabbi Samuel and Zehava Friedman High School Building includes a magnificent Bais Medrash to fit 250 bachurim, a comprehensive Otzar Haseforim, large bright classrooms, science and computer labs, library and music room, full-size gymnasium, game room, and more. Three meals a day are served in our large cafeteria, featuring two commercial kitchens, a juice bar, and coffee station. These amenities, together with the beautiful Yeshiva grounds, baseball and turf fields, provide the optimal environment for our talmidim.

Student-Centered Environment
Talmidim thrive in the Mesivta’s student-centered environment, where extra-curricular activities and events complement the learning and studying. Special Shabbosim, Onegs, and Melava Malkas are all designed to provide opportunities to bond and form an everlasting kesher with other students and Rebbeim outside of the classroom. An intramural basketball program in the Mesivta’s full-size gymnasium promotes teamwork and provides a healthy and competitive sports program within the Yeshiva. Incentive-based ski trips, barbeques and activities encourage the talmidim to excel in all areas, creating an environment of well-balanced growth for every Mesivta talmid.
Why Choose TA?
With our exemplary Rebbeim and teachers, stimulating shiurim and sedorim, and college-preparatory curriculum, the Mesivta at TA is a Yeshiva that strives to develop Bnei Torah and instill in every talmid a geshmak in learning, critical thinking skills, refinement of middos and the ability to become future leaders and representatives of Klal Yisroel. We recognize the uniqueness of each talmid, and we endeavor to cater to his individual needs through diverse learning opportunities, tailor-made to develop his unique strengths.
In TA’s Mesivta, your son will have the tools and support to grow and thrive, ultimately graduating with the ability to attend the finest Yeshivos in both America and Eretz Yisrael. He will join the ranks of TA alumni the world over, who represent a wide spectrum of the Torah community here in Baltimore and across the globe. Whether as a Rosh Yeshiva, a Rav, a Rebbi; an entrepreneur, professional or community leader, your son will have been given a love for Torah, a passion to carry on our rich Mesorah, and will take his unique place among the leaders of Klal Yisrael.