Middle School

Total Chinuch for the Whole Child
The Middle School Division
The Middle School division at TA, encompassing sixth through eighth grades, guides the transformation of boys to young men. The curriculum and many programs are designed to enhance personal growth and preparation for Mesivta. The middle school motto is “Simchas Hachaim, Simchas HaTorah – Learning to Live, Living to Learn”. This approach to chinuch encompasses the whole child, and seeks to ensure that every student’s needs are attended to on an individual basis.

Students develop a strong love for Torah learning and living
A healthy sense of confidence, and a well-rounded general studies education that paves the way for future studies, is part and parcel of the chinuch approach of TA’s middle school. As each boy becomes a confident and mature young adult, he internalizes the core values of right and wrong and the ability to make a difference in his own life and his community. His values and aspirations become molded by the ways of the Torah and important hashfafos that he is imbibing, and the important transition from young boy to young man, begins to take place.
Greatness in Torah and Middos Tovos
The goal of every Middle School Rebbi is to guide every talmid to greatness in Torah and Middos Tovos. Talmidim are taught, nurtured and guided by dynamic, caring and articulate rebbeim whose main objective is to pass on our mesorah to their talmidim with love and simchas hachaim. Talmidim are given a love for Torah and aspirations for greatness. A tremendous emphasis is placed on skill building, and preparing the young men for learning in mesivta.

Tools for Success
The general studies program is rigorous and focused, and provides TA students with the tools they need to be successful in English, math, science and social studies. TA’s expanded programs include a STEM curriculum, honors-level courses, geography bees, science fair and two mobile computer labs to provide students with a well-rounded and comprehensive education as they prepare for high school.
Exploring Individual Talents and Strengths
More Resources for the Whole Child
- Extra curricular activities, including a personal, intramural basketball, trips, and yearbook production, help maturing students to explore their individual talents and strengths.
- Team-building activities and a middos-based bein adam lechavero program help advance interpersonal skills.
- Lamdeinu Learning Center offers extra academic support for students who may need assistance, along with a special education classroom.
- Full time mashgiach/social worker is available for private consultations.